John Deere Model A Part Two

After doing some research and finding out the the first tractor we had on our farm was a 1949 John Deere Model A, I decided to keep an eye online and see if I could find one.  At first I wanted to see if I could track down the original machine, but after realizing that was not going to be possible I decided to look for someone selling one of the same year.  I found this tractor, which is a pretty machine so I’m happy with it.  I know it’s not our original, but it gives me a sense of what my grandfather would have seen.  I can only imagine how it would have felt going from farming with horses to using this tractor!



2 responses to “John Deere Model A Part Two”

  1. Brad Avatar

    The Model A in the sunset really brings back memories. When us kids were young teens in Minnesota, our step dad let us start driving this thing while doing the different jobs on our country property (not on a farm). Let me know if you want to hear any stories about it. I’m only 50, so I guess it might be a little unusual to hear that someone my age actually drove one of these things quite a bit. Good times.

    1. Kyle Weber Avatar

      That is pretty cool! Actually, my dad is 52 and drove some quite a bit growing up too while he was little. Then they had some 20 and 30 series, followed by the new gens. Thanks for your comment!

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