My ancestors settled in Star Valley (Freedom to be exact) in the late 1800’s. Samuel Weber was a swiss immigrant, who came to the United States after being converted to the LDS church. Since so many people came to the valley from Switzerland, dairy farming was the source of the local economy. Since Star Valley also highly resembles Switzerland it quickly earned the nickname “Little Swiss” or “Little Switzerland”. The Weber’s have been farming and running a Diary in Freedom ever since. That changed today, however, as the cows were sold and headed down the road in a semi truck headed for Utah. With the current economy and lack of labor and management, it was no longer feasible to have the cows. Though they may be gone, we’ll never forget the hard labor of those that have came before us to give us what we now have.
On a side note, I’ve also posted a few random shots that I took today. I flew home from my mission on April the 14th (same as today), and that year we didn’t have any snow left. Today there is still quite a bit of snow, but it’s been pretty warm (except for today) so it should melt off pretty quickly.
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