What do you want to see here?

I have been thinking about what to do for my next post, and pondering this question got me thinking.  I want to know what you, the viewer, would like to see on my website.  I can do a write up on anything from computer tutorials (Apple Mac, iPhone/iPod Touch, Linux Servers, Ubuntu VMWare Fusion Server, etc.) to things going on in my life, photography tutorials (moonlight photography, technical procedures), etc.  If there is anything of interest to you please use the comments feature attached to this post and I will do my best to write up something on that topic.  I have found that I can be a great technical/informational resource to many people, so please let me know if there is anything of interest to you.

Kyle Weber


2 responses to “What do you want to see here?”

  1. Willard Avatar

    More of your great photography when you have a chance.

  2. Mike Bonham Avatar

    Philosophical stuff, insights you get every now and then that are sparked from random things… truth is always awesome to read and write about; it’s pretty cool to see where it can come from too!

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