Moonlight Night Photography

Salt River BridgeWhile I was home over the weekend I decided to take advantage of the full moon and take some night shots with the light of the very bright full moon. The shots are of the Salt River bridge in the town of Freedom in Star Valley, Wyoming. I have never done night photography like this before, so it was new and experimental. The shot with some streaks from vehicles was taken the night of the 26th and the other two were taken at 1:30 AM (Saturday morning). I think for being so new at it they actually turned out pretty well. These photos were shot with an Olympus Evolt E-510 Digital SLR.

Salt River Bridge LightsSalt River


2 responses to “Moonlight Night Photography”

  1. Tristan Avatar

    Very very cool — looks like daytime! I like the one with the headlight streak the best, it makes you think about how that’s possible if it actually were daytime, and then realize that it must be night… very nice.

  2. […] Click here for the moonlight photography I took last fall. […]

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