Tag: Star Valley

  • Evening Light as Spring Approaches

    The last few days it has rained and rained. This evening, however, the sun came out and lit everything up in a most beautiful colorful light. Even though it was muddy, I wasn’t going to let it stop me from going out and taking some photos!  These photos were all taken behind Weber Canyon, mostly looking towards Tincup, and in Freedom.  Also today is my Grandpas birthday–so Happy Birthday Grandpa!

  • April Photography Weekend

    I know the farming season will start very soon, and I have spent the entire week working for the school district.  So what better thing to do then get out and enjoy the beauty of Star Valley (Freedom).  So that’s what I did. This is a collection of some of the photos I took on the 25th and the 26th of April, 2009.  Another reason why I wanted so much to get out and take photos is because of my Fathers Utah siblings whom have come up with a plan to “support” my grandparents–but in reality it’s selling off most of the dry farm to pay for a luxurious retirement for themselves…  I have to enjoy it while I can, and pray for the best.

  • Misc Spring Shots

    April 20th was really the first warm nice day we had. I was trying to take good advantage of it, so after doing some yard work I took a few minutes to walk and and take some photos.  I was also able to spend some good time visiting with my Grandma Weber. The Sunrise was taken this morning.

  • Morning and Evening Pan

    Yesterday morning I made a panoramic shot looking at our farm. In the evening I was visiting my grandparents (exactly across the field) and thought it’d be cool to do one looking in the other direction.  So I did.:)

    Weber Farm Spring View Facing West

    View From Weber Farm Facing East

  • End of an era…

    My ancestors settled in Star Valley (Freedom to be exact) in the late 1800’s.  Samuel Weber was a swiss immigrant, who came to the United States after being converted to the LDS church.  Since so many people came to the valley from Switzerland, dairy farming was the source of the local economy.  Since Star Valley also highly resembles Switzerland it quickly earned the nickname “Little Swiss” or “Little Switzerland”.  The Weber’s have been farming and running a Diary in Freedom ever since.  That changed today, however, as the cows were sold and headed down the road in a semi truck headed for Utah.  With the current economy and lack of labor and management, it was no longer feasible to have the cows.  Though they may be gone, we’ll never forget the hard labor of those that have came before us to give us what we now have.

    On a side note, I’ve also posted a few random shots that I took today.  I flew home from my mission on April the 14th (same as today), and that year we didn’t have any snow left.  Today there is still quite a bit of snow, but it’s been pretty warm (except for today) so it should melt off pretty quickly.

  • Yeah… It happens…

    A friend of mine from school (Erik Lindstrom) came up this weekend to go riding. He did pretty good, but it was his first time. Needless to say, he found the creek…

    Erik in a creek

  • January 10th Weekend

    Just a few images from last weekend.



  • Winter Break

    I go back to school this week, but I have been able to have an enjoyable winter break.  This upcoming semester will be my last, and since I’ll probably spend a good deal of it home riding on weekends I’m sure it will go fast!  Here are just a few photos of my break.

  • Last Photo Assignment

    Over the weekend I shot my last photo assignment for Art 206 (Color Photography).  It was a good semester and I learned a great deal and became a little better at photography.  As you can tell, I finished the photo journal assignment on the 29th.  The photo journal is a pretty cool idea; sometime in the future if I get ambitious I’ll pick it up again.

    If you haven’t noticed by now, WordPress (the back-end to my webpage) really desaturates my photos…

  • October 18th Weekend

    My friend Bernt Jenkins came home to Star Valley over the weekend, bringing two very kind Russian friends of his with him.  I went home to see them and to do a few other things too (namely get out of Rexburg for the weekend).  We went on a dirt bike ride in the morning and the girls got pretty muddy—but they had a lot of fun.  We then went to Jackson Hole and to Jenny Lake.  On Sunday I had my birthday meal with the extended family (a tradition we’ve had in our family for as long as I can remember).  Turned out to be a great weekend.