Tag: Star Valley

  • Drive to the beef cattle on a 39 John Deere A

    I took a nice little stroll to the beef cows that are currently on the dry farm on the 1939 John Deere Model A.  I’ve been working on the tractor most of the winter, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to warm the motor up a bit and let it stretch its legs.  It was so pretty that I decided to film it.  Since I’m just holding my camera, it’s a little bumpy.  The video shows the beautiful west hills in Freedom, Wyoming (which is actually in Idaho) on the Robert Weber farm.



  • 1939 John Deere A Winter Drive

    Driving around the 1939 John Deere A after doing some work on it throughout the winter. We replaced the radiator core, muffler, and rebuilt carburator. This is the same tractor that I made the time lapse video reassembly of.  It’s amazing how much work you end up doing any time you decide to tear down into one of these things.  You go to fix one thing, and find that there are two more things that need to fix.



    1939 John Deere A Winter Sunset

  • Playing on the snowmobiles up Deer Creek

    Since we had Monday off for Presidents Day, I took the opportunity to go on a quick ride up Deer Creek.  The snow was pretty nice and it is close enough to home that it allowed the dogs to come and have a good time too. The video here shows me on my 2008 800 Polaris Dragon with a 163 track.  The snow has been a little late coming this year, but the past few storms have seemed to be an attempt to make up for it.


  • JD Model A Radiator Reassembly How-to

    1939 Model A Radiator Muffler Replacement how-to. This video shows the installation of the radiator, muffler, air stack, and re-assembly of the tractor. As a note–I should have filled the radiator after I re-attached the hoses on the cooling system. I had a leak in one of the hoses, and having the hood off would have made it much easier to adjust. Know that I am not a professional, and you may do things differently or in a different order. I only provided this video for people like myself, as this video would have made it easier for me back when I knew nothing about how to get the hood off and work on the tractor.  Click “read more” for more information.



  • 1949 John Deere BW Muffler Replacement Video Preview

    John Deere BW Muffler Replacement Preview–incomplete. This is a section of a video I’m putting together of a muffler replacement on a 1949 John Deere Model B. It’s the first time I’ve had this hood off, so I ran into a few snags. I’ll have to finish it another day. When I do, I’ll make up a better video with commentary of how to get the hood off to replace a muffler. Unfortunately Deere made something that should be very simple far too complicated. Keep a close eye out for my pup–he makes a few quick appearances.


  • 2012 Thayne Snow Days Photos

    Here are my photos from the 2012 Thayne Wyoming Snow Days.  If you’d like to check out the video that I compiled at the event, please do so by going here.  Snow Days is a fun filled day of various snowmobile family-oriented activities.  If you desire to contact me you can do so by sending an email to kylew01@gmail.com or use the comments field at the bottom of the post.  If you are not seeing the photos, please click “Read More” to see the remainder of this post.


  • 2012 Thayne Snow Days Video Summary

    Here’s a video that summarizes the events from the 2012 Thayne Snow Days, held on February 4th, 2012 at Thayne Wyoming.  If you’re looking for photos, keep checking this site as I will post them within the next few days.


  • Swan Valley Waterfall

    Fall Creek Falls in Swan Valley, Idaho.

    These are some photos I took and a video that I compiled while shooting at Fall Creek Falls in Swan Valley, Idaho.  Swan Valley is next to Star Valley, which borders it on the North Side of our valley.  It’s a very pretty waterfall that few people know about.  It is very easy to get to, and is well worth your time to drive over and take a look.  I’ll provide a google map showing the location of the waterfall.



  • 1929 John Deere Model D

    Earlier last fall I learned that someone in the valley has a very nice 1929 John Deere model D.  The D was the first tractor that John Deere produced under the “John Deere” name (the Waterloo Boy was officially the first, which John Deere purchased to jump start their tractor line).  Here is a picture of myself and a friend driving it in action.  It was a fun tractor to drive, though compared to my Model A it was akin to driving a tank…



  • Wintertime in Star Valley

    Star Valley winters can be tough. Fortunately, we have our nice sleds (snowmobiles) to help us get through them.  This is a video I compiled of clips shot up Willow Creek, one of the valley’s many popular canyons.  Featuring Eric & Rob Heiner on their Yamaha RX1s.