Here are my photos from the 2012 Thayne Wyoming Snow Days. If you’d like to check out the video that I compiled at the event, please do so by going here. Snow Days is a fun filled day of various snowmobile family-oriented activities. If you desire to contact me you can do so by sending an email to or use the comments field at the bottom of the post. If you are not seeing the photos, please click “Read More” to see the remainder of this post.
Tag: Kyle Weber Photography
2012 Thayne Snow Days Video Summary
Here’s a video that summarizes the events from the 2012 Thayne Snow Days, held on February 4th, 2012 at Thayne Wyoming. If you’re looking for photos, keep checking this site as I will post them within the next few days.
Swan Valley Waterfall
Fall Creek Falls in Swan Valley, Idaho.
These are some photos I took and a video that I compiled while shooting at Fall Creek Falls in Swan Valley, Idaho. Swan Valley is next to Star Valley, which borders it on the North Side of our valley. It’s a very pretty waterfall that few people know about. It is very easy to get to, and is well worth your time to drive over and take a look. I’ll provide a google map showing the location of the waterfall.
Photo Gallery
I’ve uploaded some of my photos to a photo gallery at American Frame. If you like some of the photos from Kyle Weber Photography, feel fee to check it out!
I’m alive. Pics to prove it.
I was really hoping to update this more often, but I tend to get busy and forget, then before I know a month is gone… But to prove that I have been alive I could either bore you with a lot of text, or I could post some photos of what I’ve seen over the past few months. I know it doesn’t really tell anything that I’ve done, but it’s fun to share!
Crazy Weather the Past Few Days
Although some may hate rain and bad weather, I know of two groups of people that love it. Farmers (if they have their hay in, as we do), and photographers. Although I am not much of a photographer, I have tried to make the most of it. here are just a few shots I was able to take. Most are from today, one is from last night.
Summer Life Photos
Summer is in full swing, and I thought I’d post just a few things (through photos) that have happened the past week. We had a nice lightning storm, but unfortunately by the time I got ready I was only able to catch the tale end of it. Yesterday did pulled a calf, and unfortunately the calf did not make it. Today I went to Idaho Falls then to Rexburg. It felt weierd being on campus during the summer, but it was nice seeing some people I haven’t seen for a while. Then on the way home I took some photos at the Palisaids Power Plant, but I was a little early for the light I wanted.
Evening Photos
I spent some time two nights ago and took some more shots for all you who were wanting some more valley shots. Farming started the day after, so I decided to take the opportunity while I had it. Click the “read the rest of this entry” link to see the gallery. (more…)