Category: Videos

  • New Years ride on the John Deere A and 630

    Taking the tractors out for a nice winter stroll is a lot of fun–especially when you are able to take more than one out at a time!  Here’s a video I shot of the John Deere Model A and Model 630.  I was riding the A (same tractor that I restored), so the video mostly shows the 630.

  • Feeding Beef Cattle December 2013 GoPro

    Here’s a video I recorded with the GoPro mounted to the back of the feed wagon.  Sorry about the loud sounds–the GoPro is pretty bad about picking up bangs and such.

    Here we’re feeding 3×3 Alfalfa and grain hay bales to a heard of Herefords and Angus.  The wagon is being pulled by a John Deere 4020.  The cows are mostly Herefords, but the bulls are Black Angus, so it’s starting to get a mixture of both.

  • 630 Christmas Eve Ride

    Enjoying a hobby in old tractors means more than just tinkering and working on them.  It means taking them out for a ride!  Here’s a video I took while on the 1959 John Deere 630 while going over the dry farm.

    Update: I also recorded a video that’s similar, but with the A and 630, on New Years Day.

  • Plowing Fall 2013

    This fall we plowed up with the John Deere 4230 and JD plough the alfalfa field next to my parents house, as well as some additional acreage.  Prior to ploughing, I also sprayed the field to kill off the alfalfa with the John Deere 4020.  I also did some disking with the 4020 and BW disk.

  • John Deere 630

    My grandpa helping me load the 630
    My grandpa helping us load the 630
    Doing some work on the 630
    Doing some work on the 630

    Nephew on John Deere 630

    John Deere 630 Front

    1959 John Deere 630

    I’ve always enjoyed the look of the 20/30 series two-cylinder John Deere tractors.  Once upon a time (before I was born), we had a 630 on our farm.  I believe they had a loader on it, and used it to load hay with, but I’m not quite certain.  Because of this, the 630 has always had a special interest to me.

    A quick history on the 630.  If you know me, you know I enjoy the John Deere Model A.  The A was replaced by the 60, and the 60 was replaced by the 620, and the 620 was replaced by the 630.  In other words, the 630 is basically a late-fifties Model A.

    I knew I would like to own a 630, I just didn’t think the opportunity would present itself quite as quickly as it did.  My dad has a co-worker that was talking about selling a 630, and knowing that I enjoy the two-cylinders, dad mentioned to me that he was selling one.  It wasn’t running at the time, and had been sitting for quite a few years.

    Of course, I had to jump on the opportunity.  Who wouldn’t, right?  I ended up purchasing the tractor, and was fortunate that my grandfather was also able to go with me to pick up the tractor.  As much as I enjoy spending time with grandpa, it’s even more fun getting an old tractor with him! He also grew up on and spent his entire life on a farm, and as such gives us opportunities to talk about the “good old days” when these tractors were in their prime.

    To spare you the boring details, I had to do quite a bit of work on the tractor throughout the summer and fall.  I don’t mind a good project though–that’s the best way to learn about a machine and become acquainted with it.

    Although the project is not completed, as you can see from the photos and video, the project paid off.  I now have a nice 1959 John Deere 630 to enjoy.

    Till the next big thing…

  • Hauling Hay with the 4020, 3020, and 4230

    Over the weekend (July 13 2013) we were hauling some hay (alfalfa) from the dry farm to the barn.  These videos show the John Deere 4020 and 3020 loading the hay, and the John Deere 4230 hauling it.

  • John Deere No. 5 Sickle Mower

    My grandpa gave me a John Deere No. 5 sickle mower that he used to use on his farm.  He spent a lot of hours with it mowing alfalfa with his dad while he was growing up.  Since I’ve got the machinery to pull it, I thought it’d be a lot of fun to take it and get it working with my John Deere A or B.  I have since gotten it working, and it works very well behind the A!  I’ll probably never cut down an entire field with it, but it’s fun to see how it works and see how they used to do it in the “good old days”.  For now, it’s job is going to be trim work around the barn area and trimming down the sides of the roads.

  • The Story of the A

    John Deere Model AI had intentions on writing up a photo-book story of the restoration process of the John Deere Model A.  I’m having a hard time finishing it, so I thought in the meantime, I’d just throw it up here.  If there are any major spelling/grammar mistakes or things you’d like added, please use the comments field below.  I’ll add some photos later.  Click “Continue Reading” below for the full story.



  • Planting with the John Deere A and LL-A Grain Drill

    This year I took the opportunity to have a little fun with planting oats in one of our smaller fields.  I used the 1947 John Deere Model A that I recently restored, as well as our old grain drill (aka planter, late 1950s).  It may not have been the quickest way to plant the oats, but I, and the dogs, had a lot of fun doing it!

    The three videos here show us getting the drill ready and making sure everything on it works.  The second video shows the John Deere 4230 disking the field.  Last year we used the Model A as well as the John Deere 2010 to plow the field.  Since it was plowed last fall, you disk it before you plant it to break up the larger chunks into a more fine powder, so the drill can do accurately seed the crop.  The final video shows the actual planting process.

  • Feeding Cattle & Spring Update

    Sometimes feeding cattle can be more than just driving out to the cows and dropping off hay.  For instance, watching hawks fly by and Sandhill Cranes walk around the field looking for some leftover food (grains) left over by the cattle.

    This spring has been an interesting one.  Although the snow is gone in the video, as of today we still have a few inches… We received about six inches yesterday, which isn’t very unusual for this area.  Summer will arrive just in time for fall, and then back into winter.  We don’t know if we’ll receive a summer, but we’ve never missed a winter!