Spring Disking with the 5020

In this video we are disking with the John Deere 5020. The tractor has been gone all winter to a shop, so it was nice to have it back & be able to do some work with it. In this video we’re pulling a John Deere BW disk. The field was plowed in the fall, so in the spring we disk it to break down the soil further (remove the slumps from plowing) to help prepare a better seedbed for planting (seed drilling).

After we disk it, we’re going to plant new alfalfa on the East half and a three-way grain hay on the West side.

Yes, I know the disk is too small for this tractor–but it’s all I have. 🙂

The tractor is a 1966 John Deere 5020 with a John Deere BW disk.


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