Winter Semester 2009 Begins

Today was the first day of classes for Winter Semester 2009. It also happens to be my last. 🙂 I left home last night in the middle of a blizzard, uncertain if I would be able to make it or not due to road conditions. I successfully arrived, thought about an hour longer of a drive then normal, and brought my stuff into the apartment. I went to put some stuff in one of the cupboard that I used last semester, and courtesy of one of my new room mates from Korea, found this:

Needless to say, I’m not going to want to put anything in that section ever again!


2 responses to “Winter Semester 2009 Begins”

  1. Willard Avatar

    fish bait perhaps 🙂

  2. Sergey Avatar

    Dude at least he wasn’t eating it in your room. When I saw him eating it, I had to hide in the corner with a blanket over my eyes and whisper “please, no, please stop”

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