Fall Harvest (Combining)

Combine, side view

Combine, internal view

Well, it has begun again. The fall grain season. Every year at this time we spend countless hours combining (with two John Deere 6602 combines) and working on the machines so we can get the grain in. I will be coming up on weekends while at school to help finish. I do not have classes on Fridays just for that purpose.

Here are two pictures I took tonight while working. They are not the greatest photos in the world since they were shot with my cell phone, but they work…

Another thing of note, the temperature has started to change (the days feel nice and cool now) and the leaves are starting to change color. In a few weeks I will be able to once again start taking beautiful fall pictures of this beautiful area. Hopefully I will be able to take some time off of school so I will be able to enjoy it.


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