Tag: Star Valley

  • Video of Combining

    Here’s a short video I took while combining in a John Deere 6622.


  • Wintertime Feeding Cattle

    Even though we sold the dairy a few years ago, we still have a few beef cattle.  It’s kind of fun feeding them when dad isn’t doing it.  Here’s a few random photos of our cattle feeding experiences.


  • Model A First Drive

    I spent a little more time on the A, and decided to take her for a test drive.  She did okay, but still needs some work.  I don’t know if it is the timings or carb but the RPMs just wouldn’t go up, making it have no power.  Eventually I’ll get there…


  • Difference In A Year

    It’s amazing how different one year can be.  Especially when it comes to the weather and snowfall.  Last year we had new fresh powder almost every single week.  This year we really haven’t gotten any new snow since the first of November.  I thought it might be neat showing a photo comparing the two.

  • Sunrise on the Etna Elementary Playground

    I always try to keep my camera with me.  You never know when a good photography moment will arise.  Here are some photos I took of the school/playground of Etna Elementary.  In case you were wondering, I take photos for the school to use.

  • Cold January Morning Photos

    First off, welcome to 2012!  I have a goal this year to take and post more photos… So here’s to a good start!

    This morning I took the opportunity to go take some photos.  It was a cold morning (-4 as I was taking them), so I figured it would be a good time to go out and take some photos.  The photos were all taken in Freedom, on the north bridge (between Etna and Freedom) and the South bridge, which is the main one coming into town.


  • Summer Loading Alfalfa with 3020 B

    I was recently looking through the videos I had on my phone, and noticed this video that I shot earlier in the summer.  Since it’s so cold outside right now, I thought a little touch of a beautiful summer evening would be nice.  Loading hay with the John Deere 3020 and pulling it with the John Deere B.

  • I’m alive. Pics to prove it.

    I was really hoping to update this more often, but I tend to get busy and forget, then before I know a month is gone… But to prove that I have been alive I could either bore you with a lot of text, or I could post some photos of what I’ve seen over the past few months.  I know it doesn’t really tell anything that I’ve done, but it’s fun to share!

  • Photo Journal Renewed

    What a beautiful day today was. With such beauty comes the desire to share my day with you. While I was in college, one of my photography classes had me do an assignment where we posted one photo to a blog every single day. Since I’ve been such a slacker lately at updating my site, I thought this would be a great opportunity to get back into the habit of updating it.

    Since today was very eventful and I saw more then one thing I wanted to show, I thought I’d post a few different photos.

  • Fun on the Bikes

    One of the things I love the most about this area is how much recreational fun you can have. I was riding around with some friends and some relatives, and of course I had to get a few shots.