2017 Old Iron Calendar
Over the past few years, I’ve had several requests to create a calendar featuring some of my tractor and nature photography. Well, I finally built up the ambition to go and print/create such calendar. I’m introducing the 2017 Old Iron calendar, featuring some of my tractor photos taken throughout different times of the year. I…
John Deere 630
I’ve always enjoyed the look of the 20/30 series two-cylinder John Deere tractors. Once upon a time (before I was born), we had a 630 on our farm. I believe they had a loader on it, and used it to load hay with, but I’m not quite certain. Because of this, the 630 has always…
Shuffling around the Classic JDs
I had to get something out from the back of the barn, and that meant pulling out all of the classic tractors… Since I had them all out on a cold wintery day, I thought that would be a good opportunity to get a quick little video of them running. What you can see is…
1929 John Deere Model D
Earlier last fall I learned that someone in the valley has a very nice 1929 John Deere model D. The D was the first tractor that John Deere produced under the “John Deere” name (the Waterloo Boy was officially the first, which John Deere purchased to jump start their tractor line). Here is a picture…