With it being so cold this year, I thought I’d compile a small video of clips from various summer activities. It shows a small summary of life in the rural Star Valley Wyoming.
I was recently looking through the videos I had on my phone, and noticed this video that I shot earlier in the summer. Since it’s so cold outside right now, I thought a little touch of a beautiful summer evening would be nice. Loading hay with the John Deere 3020 and pulling it with the John Deere B.
My summer project has been restoring the ’47 A that has been sitting on our farm for as long as I can remember. I’m not sure exactly how long long it’s been there, but I don’t remember it NOT being there. I’m not completely done with it, but it’s definitely made progress!
To this:
UPDATE: I have tinkered with it a bit more (weather permitting), and it now runs a little better.
I was really hoping to update this more often, but I tend to get busy and forget, then before I know a month is gone… But to prove that I have been alive I could either bore you with a lot of text, or I could post some photos of what I’ve seen over the past few months. I know it doesn’t really tell anything that I’ve done, but it’s fun to share!
One of the things I love the most about this area is how much recreational fun you can have. I was riding around with some friends and some relatives, and of course I had to get a few shots.
The last few days it has rained and rained. This evening, however, the sun came out and lit everything up in a most beautiful colorful light. Even though it was muddy, I wasn’t going to let it stop me from going out and taking some photos! These photos were all taken behind Weber Canyon, mostly looking towards Tincup, and in Freedom. Also today is my Grandpas birthday–so Happy Birthday Grandpa!
I know the farming season will start very soon, and I have spent the entire week working for the school district. So what better thing to do then get out and enjoy the beauty of Star Valley (Freedom). So that’s what I did. This is a collection of some of the photos I took on the 25th and the 26th of April, 2009. Another reason why I wanted so much to get out and take photos is because of my Fathers Utah siblings whom have come up with a plan to “support” my grandparents–but in reality it’s selling off most of the dry farm to pay for a luxurious retirement for themselves… I have to enjoy it while I can, and pray for the best.