Tag: Dirt Bike

  • First Snowmobile ride of 2021-2022 Winter Season

    This year we are VERY low in snowfall (for late December). However, we had enough to go on the trail up Black and some up Baldy (a neighboring mountain). I took the opportunity to take my cousin Sam out, and we were able to get some throttle time, despite not having a lot of snow.

    Sam took out the Ski-Doo 850, and I had the maiden voyage of my new Timbersled on a Honda 450x. For those unfamiliar, a Timbersled is a Polaris-owned track kit for dirt bikes to turn them into snow bikes. They are a very different experience from snowmobiles & pretty fun to ride on.

    It was also Sam’s first time on a modern/large sled, so hopefully he was able to enjoy it and have a great time as well.