February is the best month of the year. Why? Because it has the best snow of the year, and you’ve had all of January to get excited about it (not quite as cold and the days are a little longer)! I had a great weekend–from the nostalgia moments I had with my friend as we went through my old classic Macintosh collection to enjoying the snow on presidents day.
Tag: Carson Plowman
Summer Slowly Winding Down
I went on a great bike ride up Caribou Mountain last Wednesday with Duston Turner, but I’ve been too lazy to write about it (I will later). I was, however, able to go out with my little bro Carson and enjoy a few minutes of the great outdoors. While we were stopped for a second I saw the biggest flock of Ravens I have ever seen, followed by a most beautiful sunset. It has been a great summer, and although I am looking forward to going back to school for a few reasons I have many things that I will miss about being in the beautiful Star Valley.
Caribou Mountain Camp-out & Bike Ride
Last Friday and Saturday I was able to go camping up Caribou Mountain with some of local church kids and leaders. I was asked to go because the main point of the activity was to go on a dirt-bike ride, and I know the area we went to very well. It was the first time I had been up there this year; the area fascinates me both because of the beauty and the historical importance of the old gold mine ghost town. It was also fun being with my little bro and friends. Update: Carson also wrote a write-up on the ride; if you want more information feel free to check it out here.