Tag: Bernt Jenkins

  • Winter Break

    I go back to school this week, but I have been able to have an enjoyable winter break.  This upcoming semester will be my last, and since I’ll probably spend a good deal of it home riding on weekends I’m sure it will go fast!  Here are just a few photos of my break.

  • Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas to you all!  Yesterday I went on a ride with my friend Bernt Jenkins, and let’s just say with all the fresh new powder we’ve gotten over the past few days being stuck was not uncommon…

    Kyle Weber Stuck

  • October 18th Weekend

    My friend Bernt Jenkins came home to Star Valley over the weekend, bringing two very kind Russian friends of his with him.  I went home to see them and to do a few other things too (namely get out of Rexburg for the weekend).  We went on a dirt bike ride in the morning and the girls got pretty muddy—but they had a lot of fun.  We then went to Jackson Hole and to Jenny Lake.  On Sunday I had my birthday meal with the extended family (a tradition we’ve had in our family for as long as I can remember).  Turned out to be a great weekend.